
Showing posts from April, 2012

ah beng in hong kong day 3

中环 , (英文:Central),是位於 香港中西区 的地方,为香港的 政治 及 商业中心。 香港中环 Hong Kong Time Square 时代广场位于香港銅鑼灣一代。 Hong Kong Time Square is located at Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. 时代广场对面就有一间莎莎。(其实哪里都有)大家记得进去看看囖,可能你会找到你要的东西哦,价钱肯定公道。 At the opposite of Time Square, there is a Sasa shop. (Actually, you can find it in other places in Hong Kong) Go inside and you will find something good and cheap/ reasonable price. Sasa 小香水 接下来,又是要吃好料的时候。池记,就是当天我们的好料。看看照片~ Next, it's time to have some food again. "Chi Ji" (restaurant's name). Let's see some photo~ 池记鱼球面 价钱表 你可以多付一些钱来配水(HKD$50),菜(HKD$50),小食(HKD$60)。点击以上图片了解祥情。 Afetr having main course, you can add on water(HKD$50), vegetable(HKD$50), snacks(HKD$60). 接着,我们经过一家饼店-奇华。以下是奇华的饼。 Later,we walked around and found a pastries shop named Qi Hua. Below is one of its pastries, named dragon and phoenix wedding pastries. 龙凤对饼

ah beng in hong kong day 2 (part2)

Disneyland  MTR 的窗口 在这边,我看就不必给你们看Disneyland 的照片了,你们要,我就多送你们一张那边的照片囖~ In here, i am not going to show you photos in Disneyland, if you want it, then i give you one of them~ The snapshot below was taken accidentally.  不下心拍到的~ 到了晚上。。。 At night... 很多好料 烧卖 隔壁档口,野火烧 野火烧羊肉串

Hong Kong City Gate

10th Avenue now open 10th Avenue 是在City Gate 里面,需坐一个神秘电梯上去(因为电梯在一个角落的地方)。当中的店包括 Guess, I.T Outlet 等等。 在这边买名牌是正确的做法,如果你不想或害怕买到假的名牌货。 10th Avenue   is located inside the City Gate ,  you need to take  a   mysterious   elevator   to   go up there  because the elevator   in   at  the  corner of City Gate and it is difficult to find it .   The   shops there:  Guess ,   I.T   Outlet,   and so on . To buy   branded things,   10th Avenue   is the correct approach , if   you do not want   or are afraid to   buy fake   designer goods . I.T Outlet at 10th Avenue 欲知更多有关City Gate 详情,请看ah beng in Hong Kong day 2 (part 1), 若引起任何不便,在此先道歉。 Please view ah beng in Hong Kong day 2 (part 1) for more information about City Gate. Sorry for any inconvenience. click this >>  << click this 欲知更多有关香港的讯息,请浏览 !          Want more information about Hong Kong? Visit

ah beng in hong kong day 2 (part 1)

第二天,起床第一件事就是看看外头的风景啦。虽然住的酒店不是能看到无际的蓝海或是什么高山,但至少还能看到香港的高楼及一点点的山囖。 On the next day,  the  first thing  to do  is to look at   the   scenery   outside . Although the hotel that we stayed at is  unable to   see   the view of boundless and   blue ocean   or   high mountains , but at least  we  can still enjoy watching the   tall buildings   in   Hong Kong   and   mountain . 酒店外的风景 下一站就是 香港 City Gate ,听说那儿有很多名牌店哦。不对,应该不能用“听说”这两个字,应为那边本来就很多名牌啊!我好像兜了很多圈子。嗨~不能怪我啦,因为发现我的部落各都是照片,没有字眼。但是,照片也能带出故事的啦! 大家无须怕不知道 City Gate 在哪里,因为从飞机到酒店路程,都能看见 City Gate 在另一边的马路。 The   next stop is the   City Gate ,   Hong   Kong , I heard that   there are   a   lot   of   branded shops.  I  should   not use   the   word   " heard" ,   as   there  i s   a lot of   branded shop ! You don't have to  be afraid  of  don't know   where  the  City Gate is,  because as you are moving to hotel from airport, you will find that  City Gate  is  on the other   side   of   the   road. (airport to hotel

ah beng in hong kong day 1

2012年3月1号的我起得特别早,大约凌晨三点钟就离开了我的懒床,因为今天得去机场。7.50 飞机起飞到香港。 March 1, 2012 ,   I   got up   early at   about   three o'clock   in   the   morning   and left   my   lazy   bed ,  because i   have to go to   the   airport .   7.50 am   aircraft will   took   off   to Hong Kong. 飞机外的风景,太阳升起的一刻 这次坐的飞机是    Cathay Pacific Airways 國泰航空  食物好吃及服务佳之外,就连在飞机上也不怕会浪费您的宝贵时间因为我全程都在听音乐。 For this  time, i am sitting  the   Cathay   Pacific Airways.   Cathay Pacific  offers  delicious   food   and provides  good service , even   on the plane  i am  not afraid of it   would be a waste   of   valuable time  because I   listen to music   during the flight . 少女时代的歌 第一天在香港我们先到香港星光大道,除了拍照之外真的没什么东西好做。但是,3月香港的确是冷了一些,四周都是雾,要拍照也是难了一些,除了拍不到远景外,同时也怕相机在冷天气发霉,所以我在那边可说是拍了照就赶紧把相机收进包包里了。 The   first day in Hong Kong, we went to the   Hong Kong   Avenue of Stars. I would say that there is not much things to do other than watching the scenery there and take great snapshots. As we know, in   March