ah beng in hong kong day 3
中环 , (英文:Central),是位於 香港中西区 的地方,为香港的 政治 及 商业中心。 香港中环 Hong Kong Time Square 时代广场位于香港銅鑼灣一代。 Hong Kong Time Square is located at Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. 时代广场对面就有一间莎莎。(其实哪里都有)大家记得进去看看囖,可能你会找到你要的东西哦,价钱肯定公道。 At the opposite of Time Square, there is a Sasa shop. (Actually, you can find it in other places in Hong Kong) Go inside and you will find something good and cheap/ reasonable price. Sasa 小香水 接下来,又是要吃好料的时候。池记,就是当天我们的好料。看看照片~ Next, it's time to have some food again. "Chi Ji" (restaurant's name). Let's see some photo~ 池记鱼球面 价钱表 你可以多付一些钱来配水(HKD$50),菜(HKD$50),小食(HKD$60)。点击以上图片了解祥情。 Afetr having main course, you can add on water(HKD$50), vegetable(HKD$50), snacks(HKD$60). 接着,我们经过一家饼店-奇华。以下是奇华的饼。 Later,we walked around and found a pastries shop named Qi Hua. Below is one of its pastries, named dragon and phoenix wedding pastries. 龙凤对饼